Friday, April 17, 2015

O for Overjoyed!!

"Okay Mr. Narayan, that sounds fine with me. As discussed we can give you an extension of 15 days to make the final presentation."

"Thank you Mr. Sudheer. I appreciate your support."

"Also please make sure you tie up all the loose ends before the deadline day. We would still prefer to have Mr. Rajiv on your team. His capabilities seem unmatched and he would be an asset to your team. I am sure you know how that would help us in turn."

Karan let out a sigh of exasperation, but made sure it was not audible on the phone. He knew it was difficult to convince Rajiv, but he had time on his side and that made him a bit comfortable. 

"Okay Sudheer. I am sure our team would put in the best efforts to make the final presentation a deal clincher and repay your confidence. Thank you so much. Have a nice day."

As Karan disconnected the call, he saw the message notification on his phone. 

The message read - "Hi, this is Aditi. I hope you recognized me. Call back once you are free." 

Karan was overjoyed at the sudden turn of events. First it was the call from Mumbai, just when he thought things were not going well, they gave him a time extension. 

And then Aditi's voice after almost three years, followed by her message. Life suddenly started to feel a lot better. 

As Karan sat down to call Aditi, he couldn't stop smiling. 

Linking the post to the  A to Z Challenge

Read the next part here P for Pain


  1. Hi, stopping by on the A to Z challenge! Looks like you are blogging a short story or novel?

    1. Hi. Thanks for stopping by. Yes trying to weave a story around the theme !!
