Friday, July 3, 2009

Whr are we heading???

Now its official!!!

India is going crazy …what else would justify the recent march, by thousands of youngsters, spilling over on to the streets of the Indian metropolises..and the cause,
Well hold your breath, Gay rights!!!!

For a nation which is branded as a developing nation (even after 10 yrs of big impact development), aren’t there many other issues which need attention??
And aren’t youth supposed to be the backbone of a nation and fight for these causes???
But the reality (and tat too a grave one) is that young India is beginning to go the western way.

Many people may argue that it was a very small section of the society, that expressed its thoughts on the streets, and that there is no need for such a hue and cry over the matter. But hasn’t history taught us better? All major revolutions in the past were an outcome of small, trivial incidents which led to a shift in the way the future was designed. And I believe this is one of those trivial incidents which are going to shake a nation whose cultural roots are buried deep down.

As always in life, there are two sides of an argument. The people who have been fighting for these laws may call the judgement by the Delhi High court a historic one. For all those who were brave enough to come out on to the streets to support the cause, it was a moment of triumph. They argue that their freedom of expression cannot be curbed and that if they are interested then they should be allowed to practice this culture without any criminal implications. Sounds convincing?? May be…

But then the other side of the argument also has its points. Why should a country like India even think of amending its laws for such practices? Just because a group of people shout that it’s their right of expression, do we shy away from our own culture? Shouldn’t India as a nation be stronger in its resolve to keep western culture at bay?
Well there are lot more other things which the western culture puts emphasis on but we never ever bother about them. Let me try out a few

1. In the west, every citizen believes that it is his responsibility to keep the country clean

In India : should I really mention it

2. In the west, they work hard through out the week, so that they can party harder
on the weekends

In India: We adapt their culture of late night and weekend parties but stick to
our culture of postponing work.

The comparisons can go on…..

I don’t know whether this post is making any sense at all and I am not even sure whether my point is being put across. But, this is just an outburst on the cultural tremors which our nation is experiencing at this moment.

I personally believe this is sheer crap and if at all somebody decides to raise their voice against all this , I am always there to lend my voice too. I still believe there are some laws defined by nature which are far above any cultural or personal laws and that as Humans it is our responsibility to uphold the laws of nature.

I just hope that in future demonstrations on the streets are for more practical purposes which help drive our nation on the paths of glory that it is destined to travel.


  1. Bravo!! This is a post I would love to talk about...! Not only is the subject dealing with a century old law, but is also something very controversial... which is all the more reason why i must comment!! Comment I will, but after I get your feedback on something. Nevertheless, kudos da... good post. I'm provoked!! :)

  2. good one man......

    now people will have more options in selecting their life partners..... in the next budget the govt is planning to allocate a big amount for the medical research on how guys can become pregnant so that gays have kids too......what a revolution......absolutely disgusting......

  3. This is the thing thats inspire me a lot from ur side mate.

  4. Can see in each word of urs how much the topic has disturbed you.. thought provoking indeed. well written, vamsi.. :)

  5. nice template...!! pls blog again!! :)
