Saturday, April 4, 2015

D for Delight !!

Karan was busy playing a game on his phone when he was interrupted by a call. Grudgingly he picked up the call. 

"Mr. Narayan", the voice on the other side sounded authoritative. 

"Yes, speaking", said Karan, the calmness in his voice was certain to make an impression on the caller. 

"We are calling you regarding the proposal which you mailed us some time back. Me and my team have gone through it in detail", there was a pause from the speaker before he continued, " and we would like to invite you for further discussion."

"You will be receiving an email shortly with all the details. We look forward to your final presentation. Make sure your core team is present for the meeting. All the best Mr. Narayan." and the call was disconnected. 

The call changed the mood of the day for Karan. This was something which he was looking forward to and it happened today, all of a sudden. 

Karan was absolutely delighted. Wanting to share the delight, he sat down to make the first of two calls. 

Linking the post to the  A to Z Challenge

Read the next part here E for Envy


  1. "This was something which he was looking forward to and it happened today, all of a sudden." I know this feeling... of waiting and waiting... and then the relief and delight of having your desire granted. I love how you communicate Karan's irritation at the interruption, and then the good news. Great scene!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @ Berite, Thanks a lot for your comment. You are being generous with your comments. This is my first attempt at fiction and am learning through writing.
