Monday, April 6, 2015

E for Envy !!

"Hey Rajiv, this is awesome man, you wont believe what had just happened. I received a call from Mumbai", Karan's voice was bubbling with delight. "Any guesses who might have called", Karan wanted to keep the surprise going. 

"No idea bro, tell me who was it", Rajiv's question was short and to the point, as always. 

Karan had met Rajiv almost three years back at the birthday party of a common friend. A party which had booze as its main agenda was not to the liking of either of them. Isolated guests that they were, both of them killed time discussing random subjects. As the party went on, both of them realized they had a common interest towards business ideas. 

Over the next few months, they met almost daily, spending hours together discussing ideas. Ideas which ranged from earning a few dollars to ideas which they thought would change the world. Along with a whole lot of ideas, disposed tea cups and stubbed out cigarette butts were also a part of their discussions. 

"The team called from Mumbai. They liked our idea and wanted us to make the final presentation. We will be getting an email with all the details.", Karan continued in his upbeat mood. 

"Did they call you?", Rajiv's question was short and simple, yet again. But before Karan could answer, he continued, "Both our numbers were shared in the document right?". Rajiv's question was short again but it wasn't simple and Karan felt it immediately. 

"Big deal Rajiv, they wanted to let us know and must have picked my number". Karan replied. 

"Yeah, they must have picked your number and no wonder they will be mailing you the details", Rajiv stressed that extra bit on the word "You". 

"Rajiv, does that really matter. I thought you would be thrilled hearing this and here you are asking me such questions." Karan tried to dispel any negative thoughts in his mind. 

"It matters Karan", Rajiv spoke in a firm tone. "It does matter. Both of us were in this right from the beginning. We spent our time to give shape to the idea. We brought in few more friends to take it further. It was always about "We" doing it together. But when it came to the big things, I see the "We" breaking up into "You" and "I". When the idea was to be emailed to the Mumbai team, you did it by yourself. When the initial telephonic call happened, I was not a part of it. It was only you. Even now, when the team wanted to take it forward, you are the one who gets the call, while I have to hear it from you."

Karan was taken aback by Rajiv's outburst. He cleared his throat and tried to speak but was interrupted by Rajiv's voice. " You know Karan. I should have realised this a lot earlier. I have been ignoring the warning signs. "

"Hey Rajiv, what warning signs are you talking about. Tell me this is a joke. I have never heard you speak like this before." 

"Stop it Karan. This is no time for jokes. I should have realized a lot earlier that I was being misled."

"Rajiv, I am on my way to your place. We need to sit and talk this out. See you in 10 minutes."

Karan was already on the bike by the time he disconnected the call. This needed to be sorted out and had to be sorted out quickly. 

As he drove, that conversation kept playing in his mind. He tried to understand where this was coming from.

Was Rajiv Envious of him?

The only person who could answer this was Rajiv and Karan wanted the answers. 

Linking the post to the  A to Z Challenge

Read the next part here F for Frustration


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