Monday, April 13, 2015

K for Kind !!

Kumar hailed from a rich family. His parents had settled in Dubai and had earned enough wealth to let their next generation sail through the riches.

Kumar stayed with his grandparents in India. He wanted to make sure his grandparents were not left alone and hence he decided to use education as a reason to stay with them. After a lot of discussion, his parents had agreed to his wish to pursue his higher education in India.

Two years of his education went through pretty quickly. His college life had memories that he would cherish for a lifetime, friendships that would remain forever and lessons learnt that made him a better individual.

Kumar was admired and adored by everybody in college. He had qualities which made a lot of people envious. Brilliant at academics, Kumar was equally good in a lot of other fields.  He was an excellent cricket player and equally good at a lot of other sports. Good at music and art, his literary skills made him stand out from the crowd. All these qualities were dwarfed in front of his character. 

Never the one to say no, Kumar was always available to anybody who wanted help. Any request for help was always greeted with a smile. Personal or monetary never mattered. Having been brought up in riches, Kumar never really worried about money. Every fortnight he spent a day at an old age home, sharing smiles with the senior citizens. That gave him a sense of satisfaction, a high which money never gave him. He donated generously to a lot of institutions and organisations and to anybody who were in need of money. Kumar was kind and generous and there were very few who argued against it. 

But there are situations in life which impact an individual and change his character. 

When it came to Karan, Kumar knew being kind was not an option !!

Linking this post to the  A to Z Challenge

Read the next part here L for Love


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